How to treat psoriasis on elbows

In most cases, is the development of psoriasis begins with lesions of the skin of the elbows and knees.

In the early stage of ulnar psoriasis cure the easiest, therefore, to delay contacting a physician upon the occurrence of changes in the skin, it's not worth it.


The manifestations of initial stage of elbow psoriasis

Psoriasis – a disease, the cause of development, which is not yet completely installed. It is believed that the stimulus to the formation of skin changes give the disturbances in the functioning of the immune system, metabolism, emotional stress. Predisposition to psoriasis is transmitted at the genetic level.

The initial phase of psoriasis on elbows is characterized by the formation of each of the inflamed elements. They are in size small, painted in dark pink color. After a few days the rash top is covered by a characteristic silvery admixture – that's the dead skin flakes of skin.

The lack of timely initiated treatment has resulted in the merger of the next positioned elements – appears a large commemorative plate, with clear, but the jagged border. These edges are called scalloped, or polycyclic. Come from napoletane on each other and fusion of the plaques.

Flakes plaque easily falling in his love, but along with it is removed and the thin foil. Under this film is set pinkish-red skin with drops of blood. This phenomena of "stearic acid stains" and "blood dew", pathognomonic for psoriasis. The land defeat at the progression of the disease most commonly spreads to the skin of the forearm.

The opposite development of psoriatic food stamps starts with its central part on the spot resolvi elements remain the land modified by the color of the skin. Psoriasis on the knees is manifested the same changes and the elbow form of the disease.

Health while the loss of small parts of the body does not suffer. Sometimes it is troubled by severe itching, which leads to detangle the elements of and, respectively, reduces the time. Itching says about the progression of the tabernacle and raising their. In this case, the itching of the periphery.

How to treat psoriasis on the elbows, teach your dermatologist immediately after the occurrence of the first symptoms of skin lesions. The designation of a complex therapy with the use of the system and outdoor resources allow you to stop the further development of psoriatic elements, and help keep the disease under control.

Principles of treatment of elbow psoriasis


If there is psoriasis on elbows treatment will depend on how pathology manifests and any accompanying diseases. Therapy should be comprehensive, it gives a rapid removal of the external symptomatology of pathology and minimizes the likelihood of relapse. Patients with psoriasis, regardless of the form of the disease, prescribe:

  • Local treatment. Designation lotions with anti-inflammatory, regenerating and softening of the components necessary, even if psoriatic changes cover a small area of the elbows and do not cause discomfort.
  • A systemic treatment. Medications for internal use are chosen on the basis of the severity of the disease. In severe cases, shows the intake of hormones, drugs, reduction of immunity. In the initial stage of the human body most needs the adoption of the vitamin complexes and in the use of drugs, increases the metabolic processes.
  • Hardware methods of treatment. Phototherapy, laser and other ways of physiotherapy curatio improve microcirculation, accelerate healing and reduce inflammation.

Scheme of treatment for each patient with elbow psoriasis should be selected by the doctor. According to statistics, self-selection of drugs does not give the desired result, and sometimes leads to a deterioration of the condition of the skin.

In addition to the special drugs, in the treatment of psoriasis are used, and folk methods. But they are used as supplementary, not the main way of therapy.

Ointments from the elbow psoriasis

Selected ointments on the basis of the symptoms of elbow psoriasis. If it is strongly expressed by edema, hyperemia, and the rash is spreading rapidly and their formation is accompanied by itching, it are means, with corticosteroids.

Their use is followed by a short degree, adhere to the nuances of the application. Long-term use can cause serious complications, so their prescribe only doctor.

Cure psoriasis at the beginning of the disease can be and ointments, not containing hormones:

  • Ointment with malt. Valid for psoriasis on the elbows to reduce flaking and itching.
  • Ointments on the basis of birch tar. The natural ingredients of the drugs of this group propositum infiltrates and destroys pathogens, prevents the injection of the skin.

Ointment for psoriasis on elbows used until the complete disappearance of psoriatic elements. In the stage of remission the elbow and the adjacent part of the body is also need to constantly paint softening creams, prevents the formation of new plaques.

Cure for psoriasis on elbows for outdoor use should not cause allergic reactions and other negative changes on health status or on the skin. If in the first days of therapy, the skin condition worsens, it is necessary to search for a doctor for revision of the intended treatment.

Systemic treatment

How to get rid of psoriasis on your elbows, using systemic medications, must necessarily explain to the attending physician. In the initial stage of the pathology, hormonal means practically are not used. In most cases, prescribe:

  • Chelators. The basic properties of these substances is the ability of the binding and excretion of toxins and toxins from the body. Cleansing of the digestive system leads to improvement of the entire process of digestion and stabilizes the metabolic processes, and it has a positive effect on the condition of the patient. Drink data products course at 2-3 weeks, repeat you can 2-3 times per year.
  • Antihistamines medications. Treatment of psoriasis on the elbows using antihistamines allows you to reduce the itching and irritation, which has a positive effect on the recovery of the skin.
  • Vitamins. The processes of regeneration of the skin will improve if the patient gets the vitamins a, E, ascorbic acid, vitamins of group of Century. With psoriasis on the elbows and knees it is important to properly select the type and dosage of vitamins because an excess of them can also trigger exacerbation of the disease.

Than to treat psoriasis on the elbows, the length of systemic treatment and the necessity of the use of drugs in the stage of remission is decided by the doctor after inspection and examination of the patient.

Folk methods of treatment

People with elbow psoriasis to get rid of its external manifestations of the disease, with the use of folk remedies and methods. Such therapy in the proper selection of recipes safely and often stops the aggravation of the disease at the beginning of its development.

But people's techniques are not immediately. To evaluate their effects, it is necessary to carry out a course of treatment lasting from several days to several months.

In the setting of an acute elbow psoriasis they do the trays, the use of self-prepared ointment, and take decoctions of herbs that strengthen immunity and normalize metabolic processes.

Trays are prepared from the broth of celandine, succession, chamomile flowers. For the preparation of a medical solution it is necessary to take one part of the plant, and 10 parts of water. All herbs can be used both independently and combined with each other. Prepared decoction will last 30 minutes, then it dipped to the elbow with psoriatic severe acne.

Time of treatment – up to cooling water. Then the elbow should be carefully dried and after drying of the smear balm with a softening and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, the emit of psoriasis in the course of one to two weeks, medical trays do every day.

With psoriasis the area of the joints is often smear the ointment on the basis of vinegar. For its preparation will need to take:

  • one egg;
  • table vinegar (9 %) in the amount of one cup;
  • one glass of melted butter.

Way of cooking:

  • The ingredients are mixed.
  • The mixture of glitters in a container with a lid.
  • Matured in a refrigerator for one week.

Cooked ointment smeared psoriatic elements 6-8 times a day.


How to cure psoriasis forever and is it possible? Unfortunately, a positive answer to him, not yet. The disease is considered chronic, deterioration occurs up to several times per year.

If the time to begin treatment, follow the doctor's recommendations and the prevention of exacerbations, then with this disease you can live quietly, but psoriasis need to keep under control.

Only we must not forget that the initial symptoms of psoriasis can destroy, also contributes to a healthy lifestyle. For example, if a person dramatically scored 15-20 kg, then no tips and treatment won't help him as normalization of body weight.